EFT, spirituality Lauren Paton EFT, spirituality Lauren Paton

Energy healing | Spiritual practice or genuine science?

When you hear the phrase ‘energy healing’, I’d hazard a guess that you’re either ‘team woo’ or hiding in a corner. There’s a lot of chat that goes on around the idea of energy healing, and not all of it is beneficial. Because really, it’s simple. Energy healing is a holistic practice that helps us to heal. And what could be wrong with that?

Is energy healing a spiritual practice or a genuine science? The simple answer is that energy healing is BOTH a spiritual practice and a genuine science. Its proven benefits are rooted in science and bursting with spiritual reflection.

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Confidence Lauren Paton Confidence Lauren Paton

Three habits to START for more confidence in 2020

Part two of my new habits for 2020 is all about what to start doing to help you feel like your best self in 2020. As with habits to stop, they do take mindfulness and practice in order to become ingrained and see some shifts. Bringing consciousness to starting each one of these each time they come up to start seeing some changes in how you feel.

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