How to own your power with your language.
As a woman, have you ever found yourself apologising for asking for something that you are 100% owed? Or undermining yourself with phrases like ‘I’m no expert…’ and ‘I may be wrong…’? If not, then let me buy you a drink. Because research has shown that this ‘out-of-power’ language is enormously common for women. And it needs to stop.
Why ‘back to school’ is an important mindset for adults [guide + journal prompts].
The book bag is prepped. The new uniform is hanging in the closet. It can only mean one thing: it’s time to get back to school.
Even if you don’t have a house full of little’uns, the phrase ‘back to school’ feels like a fresh opportunity. Sure, it can also bring you out in a cold sweat, but who doesn't love the idea of a brand new year free from all of the crap left in the 12 months previous?
Maybe it’s a hangover from my school days, but I’ve always looked at September as an opportunity to set new goals and implement changes. Read on for my guide (including some nifty journal prompts) on why ‘back to school’ is an important mindset for adults.
The lies we’re told about impostor syndrome.
How many times have you heard a friend tell you that they were ‘suffering from impostor syndrome’? How many times have you said those words yourself? I’ll hasten a guess: a hell of a lot.
The truth is, it’s a phrase that gets bandied about a lot. It’s used constantly in motivational speeches as something we can manage, it’s used as excuses for women not succeeding at work, but the truth is that we’re actually being told a bunch of lies about it.
How can we close the female leadership gap?
Closing the female leadership gap is so much more than just fulfilling a quota or ticking a box. It requires deep, fully embedded change across all levels. A change that cannot be achieved overnight.
Because the gap still exists, regardless of how many steps have been taken in the right direction. Globally, women hold just 24% of senior leadership roles; patriarchy is rife in the workplace, and it’s high time we did something about it.
So, how can we close the female leadership gap? We need to take a multifaceted approach where stereotypes, pay, flexibility, celebrating success, balancing work styles and being perceptive all sit at the forefront of the work environment.
It’s a hefty task; there are mountains to climb and battles to tackle. Are you up for the challenge?
Women in a patriarchal society | What is the impact on our ability to perform at work?
Facts are facts: without women, our world would not exist. Our role - our power - is enormous. And yet we still find ourselves bound by a patriarchal society; one that doesn’t just impact us, but also weaves its threads through male conditioning.
What is a woman’s role in a patriarchal society? A woman’s role in a patriarchal society is to be seen and not heard; to duly maintain the position as ‘stay-at-home’ mother and bear the load of childcare, household chores and everything that comes with it.
Sure, the number of women in the workplace and in senior positions is growing - but it isn’t enough. We’ve still got a long way to go; and hell of a lot of that change has to come from within.
Energy healing | Spiritual practice or genuine science?
When you hear the phrase ‘energy healing’, I’d hazard a guess that you’re either ‘team woo’ or hiding in a corner. There’s a lot of chat that goes on around the idea of energy healing, and not all of it is beneficial. Because really, it’s simple. Energy healing is a holistic practice that helps us to heal. And what could be wrong with that?
Is energy healing a spiritual practice or a genuine science? The simple answer is that energy healing is BOTH a spiritual practice and a genuine science. Its proven benefits are rooted in science and bursting with spiritual reflection.
Undoing the subconscious programming of what it means to be a woman is an act of feminist rebellion: Chapter 2 Childhood and School
It starts from a young age, when we’re basically little sponges absorbing and interpreting everything we see and hear.
We quickly learn through subtle and not so subtle cues that certain toys are for us and some aren’t. We learn that boys are wild, strong, powerful superheroes, while we are princesses, cute, made of candy floss, saccharine sweet and insubstantial, designed to melt away as if we were never there.
Undoing the subconscious programming of what it means to be a woman is an act of feminist rebellion: Chapter 1 The Why and the How of it
From the moment we take our first breath, we start to get programmed. Imagine your brain is like a computer, your conscious mind is the system that you see, the applications, the folders full of information and memories. But underneath all of it is a series of programmes, all running in the background, automating how well things run, how smoothly, what fires and when. Some of our programming is great and helpful, but some of it slows us down.