Testimonial 3
“Lauren was fantastic at creating a relaxed, informal and open space so that everyone could share anything they wanted to.”
Testimonial 2
“Lauren uses simple techniques in a really friendly and calm environment to VERY powerful effect. I had a few wake up calls during our sessions together that I wasn’t expecting and that have made an enormous difference even in a short time. ”
Testimonial 1 (copy)
“Working with Lauren has been a refreshing and confidence building experience. She has offered an environment that has addressed all aspect of my wellbeing and offered incredible guidance to help me get clarity and confidence in my career journey to success.”
Testmonial 1
“I LOVED sharing experiences as a group of women! I found it interesting that a lot of the big blocks and limiting beliefs were common amongst different members of the group. Knowing that other women struggle with similar things helped me feel supported (I’m not alone!) and more motivated to do the work knowing that undoing these beliefs that keep us small, afraid and unhappy is part of my feminism.”
“Off the back of Lauren’s coaching, I feel I have a clear purpose, plan, drive, and that I genuinly can achieve my goals. Which are now, quite rightly, bigger than they were a year ago. I know the next chapter of my career will be the most fullfilling and successful and I couldn’t have done that without Lauren.”
“I have had the luxury of working with some great coaches over the course of my career, but Lauren has had the most positive impact. Her approach focusses on going above and beyond the superficial; identifying the route cause of ongoing limiting self beliefs before smashing them to a thousand tiny pieces.”