Visionary Female Leaders Lab


The mastermind to uncover your authentic leadership and reclaim your personal power.

(in the boardroom and beyond)



I see you. You’re pouring yourself into your work, you’ve been stepping up and you’re in charge.

You’re in the rooms where big decisions are made.

The impact you want feels so close…and yet, your fear of being visible has been holding you back.

And now, you’re finally ready to take up space.


Moving away from being stressed and anxious at the thought of being visible…

Finally getting over the feeling like you’re faking it with a smile…

Radiating calm confidence…

Feeling centred and authentically you, ready for whatever comes your way.



Does this sound like the leadership for you?

  • Are you ready to let go of that heart-racing, nerve wrecking, palm-sweating feeling before every big meeting?

  • Do you want to move from spending hours (days even?) preparing for every possible question, to feeling ready for whatever they throw at you?

  • Do you dream of the day when you’ll start feeling like a success, instead of a fraud?

  • Are you ready to start feeling comfortable speaking up, and in control when put on the spot?

  • Do you want to embody the leader that you already are, that you were born to be?

  • Do you have a burning desire to radiate the calm confidence you feel like you see in other women?

  • Do you want to know how to command attention, think on your feet and navigate complex characters?

  • Is it time to take control and reclaim some power?

 The Leaders Lab is a 6-month mastermind to elevate you to the leader you were born to be.

My unique combination of coaching, training, communication skills, strategy, peer support, energetics, and radical responsibility. Designed to take you to your next level in leadership.

I welcome you on this journey to unlocking your unique voice, embodying calm confidence, and reclaiming your personal power to make a lasting impact your way.

I LOVED sharing experiences as a group of women! I found it interesting that a lot of the big blocks and limiting beliefs were common amongst different members of the group. Knowing that other women struggle with similar things helped me feel supported (I’m not alone!) and more motivated to do the work knowing that undoing these beliefs that keep us small, afraid and unhappy is part of my feminism.
— Emma


We need more brilliant women in leadership, taking up space and being heard in the rooms where important decisions are made.

But we’re not taught how to do it. We’re taught that being arrogant is the worst, and that being quiet is best. We’re rewarded for putting others first, for hiding our own feelings, desires and opinions in case they’re too much, in case we’re too much.

And yet.

We stand on the precipice of a changing leadership landscape. That masculine style of leadership we’re used to is evolving. Empathy, emotional intelligence, compassion and integrity are the new ways to lead.

Those parts of us that, as women, we’ve been taught aren’t desirable in a leader, are now the key to leading effectively and authentically.

It’s time for women to reclaim their power, own their authenticity, get seen, get heard and step up as the leaders they’re born to be.

Ready to join us?



 You’ve got a well of untapped power inside you. Let’s unlock it.

You’re a Director or part of the Senior Leadership Team and want to embody leadership at the next level.

You want the support and community of female leaders who know exactly how you’re feeling.

You’re ready to commit to yourself and do the work, no more playing small.

You want balance, boundaries, and healthy habits in all areas of your life to support you in this evolution.

You want to be coached through this next stage, but you also want practical tools, training, and advice to support you in taking big action.

You’re ready to take back your power.


 The Visionary Female Leadership Lab

How it works:



Expert coaching every fortnight to support, stretch and sustain you as you move deeper through the layers, daily access for questions and cheerleading and monthly vision alignment.


Uplevel and grow your skillset with training on communication, presentation skills, and strategy, learn how to navigate complex characters and manage your mindset to support you daily.


A community of female leaders just like you, who are ready to give one another the trust, vulnerability and space to expand. Build your own boardroom of women who understand the challenges, see your potential and enable you to embody the new you.


Because we’re all full and complex beings. Energetics and a dose of spirituality to help you deepen your connection with yourself, supporting you in making bigger, more expansive changes every day.


What’s included:

Clarity session to get crystal clear on the vision and create a plan to support you.

Fortnightly group coaching calls with me.

Monthly training session where you’ll learn a new skill to keep you expanding to the next level.

Monthly practice session to get you fully embodying what you’re learning in a safe space.

A private Slack channel, with space for mutual support and cheerleading from me as well as one another.

Soul work for you to complete in between sessions, so that you can fully integrate everything you learn. The more you do, the more you expand.

Bonus sessions with experts to help with things from how to navigate office politics, to using somatic movement to resource yourself through overwhelm.

Off the back of Lauren’s coaching, I feel I have a clear purpose, plan, drive, and that I genuinly can achieve my goals. Which are now, quite rightly, bigger than they were a year ago. I know the next chapter of my career will be the most fullfilling and successful and I couldn’t have done that without Lauren.
— Brenda


The Visionary Leader Blueprint


I’m Lauren

I know how it feels to think you have to wait until you’ve “fixed” your confidence/body/self-esteem/ability to speak up in meetings (delete as appropriate) before you can truly step up.

I know what that inner voice sounds like when it tells you that you can’t  or that you mustn’t because what will people think and who do I think I am?

 I know how it feels to want confirmation from your boss (that never comes), or confirmation from yourself that you’re good enough and valuable enough and enough, enough, enough.

I also know what this costs.

I spent years at a job that wasn’t right for me because I didn’t have the confidence to leave. Once I started my own business, I spent months not being visible, not using my voice, undercharging and underselling.

So when I say I get it, I mean I really get it.

And now I’m here to change it. I’ve brought together pretty much everything I know across every area of life to create a programme that helps female leaders soar.


Things like:

  • Selling an idea to a room of people who need to be convinced, to being comfortable dancing with uncertainty and the possibility of failure.

  • Using emotional intelligence, empathy and intuition to influence up, manage down and create solid, beneficial relationships with anyone.

  • Speaking to rooms of hundreds of people with minimal nerves and maximum impact (I’ve been doing it since I was about 9, so I’ve got decades of advice and tools at my disposal).

  • How to be visible in ways that work for you, all while being yourself.

  • Taking radical responsibility for the things in your control, so you can control, change, communicate or clear out anything that’s not working for you.

  • Knowing that, no matter what happens, it has zero bearing on your worth.


I have had the luxury of working with some great coaches over the course of my career, but Lauren has had the most positive impact. Her approach focusses on going above and beyond the superficial; identifying the route cause of ongoing limiting self beliefs before smashing them to a thousand tiny pieces.
— Charlene

 Are you still debating it?

Notice what your intuition is telling you. Put aside the fear, the resistance, the excuses. What are you being called to?

Imagine feeling calm and centred before every meeting.

Imagine being able to respond honestly and authentically while still commanding respect.

Imagine knowing the power and impact of your contributions and feeling comfortable sharing them.

Imagine being the leader you are, not the one you see around you.

Imagine feeling balanced and in control.

All of these things(and more) have happened to my clients after working with me.

 What people say…