feminism Lauren Paton feminism Lauren Paton

Women in a patriarchal society | What is the impact on our ability to perform at work?

Facts are facts: without women, our world would not exist. Our role - our power - is enormous. And yet we still find ourselves bound by a patriarchal society; one that doesn’t just impact us, but also weaves its threads through male conditioning.

What is a woman’s role in a patriarchal society? A woman’s role in a patriarchal society is to be seen and not heard; to duly maintain the position as ‘stay-at-home’ mother and bear the load of childcare, household chores and everything that comes with it.

Sure, the number of women in the workplace and in senior positions is growing - but it isn’t enough. We’ve still got a long way to go; and hell of a lot of that change has to come from within.

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Lauren Paton Lauren Paton

Undoing the subconscious programming of what it means to be a woman is an act of feminist rebellion: Chapter 1 The Why and the How of it

From the moment we take our first breath, we start to get programmed. Imagine your brain is like a computer, your conscious mind is the system that you see, the applications, the folders full of information and memories. But underneath all of it is a series of programmes, all running in the background, automating how well things run, how smoothly, what fires and when. Some of our programming is great and helpful, but some of it slows us down.

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