Three habits to START for more confidence in 2020
Part two of my new habits for 2020 is all about what to start doing to help you feel like your best self in 2020. As with habits to stop, they do take mindfulness and practice in order to become ingrained and see some shifts. Bringing consciousness to starting each one of these each time they come up to start seeing some changes in how you feel.
Three habits to STOP for more confidence in 2020.
It’s now officially the start of a new decade. Social media, news outlets, and pretty much every magazine on the shelf are now awash with ‘NEW YEAR NEW YOU!’ messaging at every turn. I’m also officially over the concept – anyone who is telling you that you need a new (read: better) version of yourself because the new year has begun is trying to sell us something. And that something is usually reliant on feeding our insecurities.