feminism Lauren Paton feminism Lauren Paton

Women in a patriarchal society | What is the impact on our ability to perform at work?

Facts are facts: without women, our world would not exist. Our role - our power - is enormous. And yet we still find ourselves bound by a patriarchal society; one that doesn’t just impact us, but also weaves its threads through male conditioning.

What is a woman’s role in a patriarchal society? A woman’s role in a patriarchal society is to be seen and not heard; to duly maintain the position as ‘stay-at-home’ mother and bear the load of childcare, household chores and everything that comes with it.

Sure, the number of women in the workplace and in senior positions is growing - but it isn’t enough. We’ve still got a long way to go; and hell of a lot of that change has to come from within.

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